Lockdown, Phase 2 Observations..

1/ We have all started and broken habits during quarantine but the only one keeping score is you.  And probably your one eagle-eyed kid. 

2/ Now we all know the day and exact time of our garbage, recycle, and clean green pick up and we can’t wait because things are really, legitimately full.

3/ When the time is right (and I think it’s now), purge that piece of clothing that waves the shelter-in-place flag.

4/ Reusable masks and wearing lipstick.  There has to be a way.

5/ I can only azoom my children are doing what they’re supposed to be doing.  I’m staying safe and cameoing in for when they least expect it.


6/ If your husband asks you if you think the baristas at his regular coffee shops miss him, it would be good of you to give him a bold yirgacheffe yes.

7/ By now we’ve accepted the fact that we haven’t written our first book or learned the choreography to “Juicy” by Doja Cat.  Or is that just me?

8/ All I know is no one invited me to do a push up challenge.  

9/ As a runner, I confess to some non-essential miles.  But in my defense, empty city sidewalks + spring + clean air +  A RULE that says you can only do it once a day. 

10/ My windows are still dirty which tells me I’m either in the denial or acceptance phase.

11/ Does making six different versions of banana bread qualify as staying sane?

12/ For those on your Last Straw, there is nothing wrong with making “The Last Dance” on Netflix part of your child’s Spring 2020 curriculum.

13/ Dreamers, this is your moment.  Planners, this is your mourning.   

14/ Rest assured.  We will rise and we have the sourdough starter to prove it.