Let the isolation times roll ..

Let the isolation times roll...

  1. So you’re suggesting I don’t make a family announcement about every Live Update?  

  2. Isn’t it adorable that we all still check the daily weather forecast. 

  3. This too shall pass but not before all the Easter Eggs that will be hidden inside are found. 

  4. Chances are very, very high that I will be repeating myself.  My stories need an audience and my current reach is 4.

  5. We’re in this together but your TBT travel photos are triggering.

  6. I am doing the invisible work of anticipating your needs and wondering if Amazon Prime can deliver it or if you’ll be needing more of me. 

  7. We can order takeout to support local business or takeout to support my mental health.  Either way, this Lunch Lady is off the clock.

  8. My son has named our not so special moments “Quarantine Quarrels.”  It sounds cuter than they are.

  9. Celebrate the little things.  April has one less day than March!

  10.  Prove to me that you did not touch what just came through the mail slot.  Good, now wash your hands.

  11. I do appreciate the exercise videos fitness instructors are so helpfully posting but more in a Netflex kind of way.

  12. Why do you listen to everything Dr Fauci has to say but only about 33% of what I have to say? 

  13. Here’s a question that’s getting a lot of play but not a lot of uptake in my house:  “Do you want to do something together?”  

  14. The next two things on my calendar are: April 1 (April Fool’s Day) and April 6 (Houseparty Wine Event.)  I’ve moved April 6 to an All Day event. 

  15. This would be the time to listen to Bob Dylan’s newly released 17 minute song if I liked Bob Dylan’s music and my attention span had not been shot by the last two decades.

  16. Right now my life’s work is not taking this glove off while I try to punch in my pin code at the grocery store.

  17. Remember how we used to imagine the 5 things you might need to survive if you were deserted on an island. I think the number they meant was 500.

  18. To all the retail stores I foolishly gave my email address to, I Miss You Too!

  19. “I’m leaving now for my daily exercise.  Should I take a key or will someone be here?”